26 апреля китайские магистранты факультета журналистики по инициативе старшего преподавателя кафедры литературно-художественной критики Гиргель Д.Н. посетили спектакль «Пансион «Belvedere» в Белорусском государственном театре кукол. Посещение театров Минска становится уже традицией для студентов-иностранцев факультета журналистики. Мероприятие проводилось в целях повышения культурно-просветительского уровня китайских магистрантов, а также содействия межкультурной коммуникации между представителями дружественных стран – Беларуси и Китая.




Премьера спектакля «Пансион Belvedere» итальянского режиссера Маттео Спьяцци состоялась 24 марта 2017 года в Белорусском государственном театре кукол. Главные герои спектакля – пожилые люди, чья жизнь уже подходит к своему закату. Неизбежный рубеж окрашен для каждого в свои, особые краски. Обитатели пансиона проводят дни согласно расписанию, однако это не мешает им то и дело попадать в различные комические и трагические ситуации. Ведь старость – лишь повод поразмышлять о хрупкости нашей жизни, где до последнего вздоха есть место мечтам и любви. События «Пансиона «BELVEDERE» могли бы произойти где угодно и когда угодно. Это универсальная история о самом главном, рассказанная без лишних слов.


Впечатлениями о «горькой» комедии без слов поделились китайские магистранты специальности «Communications» профилизации «Communication, Cultural and Media Studies».


Лай Цзыхуа: «This is a puppet show that can make people laugh with tears. The whole play uses the actors’ body movements to express the plot and the distinctive personalities of the characters. The most surprising thing was that the actors took off their masks at the end. They were all young actors. It was hard to imagine that all the actors playing the old ladies were male actors. The physical expression skills of the Belarusian actors were really good. After the show, I even want to invite them to perform in China!»


Дэн Вэйчэн: «The performance was very contagious. There was no speech in the whole play, only performance, but you could understand what they wanted to express through the language and body movements, and the small movements of the actors in the play made people feel very close to life. My favorite is the fat woman in the play. She is lively, interesting and full of kindness. She is the first person to take out the accordion to celebrate the birthday of another elderly person».


Го Жуйсюэ: «I like the actors’ performance the most, because it is very difficult for them to advance the plot only by body movements. They are very good. The plot is also very interesting. The setting of the phone call has a bit of surrealism. There are also touching plots in the middle. It is an unforgettable viewing experience! Thank you for recommending it to us!»


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Чжан Тун: «I think this performance is a very interesting form of performance that I have never seen live. Through exaggerated and cartoon-like body movements and mask images, it presents a kind of puppet performance. I was surprised after the actors took off the mask at the end. I like the design of the telephone plot in the play the most, as well as the presentation and discussion of the themes of love, aging, death, and the meaning of life. In a very romantic way, it infects my emotions at the end, allowing me to abandon time and age and feel the existence of life».


Ван Чжэфань: «I think the performance was very successful! I cried several times during the performance. I was very moved. It is also worth thinking about our lives through them. I didn’t expect the fat old woman was an actor! She impressed me the most».


Чэнь Хуэйдун: «I think this show is great to watch, and each character is very vivid. You can focus on the person you want to see among the five people on stage, and he or she has a complete story. The reversal of the story is very interesting, and Happy End is also reasonable and beyond the plot».


Су Мэйцин: «I think the plot is great. The characters are very distinct and there are many details, such as the old woman in the wheelchair habitually shook her head before answering, which made her miss dinner and even almost missed love».


Хэ Цяоли: «This is my first time to watch a puppet show. Without language or dialogue, it is much more difficult to convey the content to the audience through the body movements of the actors than in ordinary dramas, but the actors did it very well. I cried and laughed, and the experience was very good. This drama tells everyone about birth, old age, illness and death. The ending is optimistic and positive».
